Every Little Counts

Everything you read about on this website happens because of generous people becoming part of the story. As we continue our work with a local team in Nakuru, we’re grateful for every donation made towards our work. If you’d like to donate now, through our Stewardship account, click the button below. If you’d like more information on donating, or on making regular donations, please get in touch with Ben via [email protected].

One way to ‘get involved’ with the work of The Doxa Project is to become an enabler. We want to think about a sustainable future for us as a growing charity and ultimately this means being able to fund some core costs here in the UK. We are looking for individuals and businesses who understand that together we can have a significant impact on the community of Kwa Murugi, helping to break the cycle of poverty. If you would like to donate specifically to core costs, such as wages for our small UK team then please get in touch. These funds enable many more hours to be focused on Kwa Murugi and ultimately benefits the community in a far more sustainable and effective way. We want to wholeheartedly support the team in the UK who are passionate about this precious work. For more information email [email protected]